I have a special experience in my life. and untill now I still join with this thing. Do u know SKY DIVE or some people call it FREE FALL? Have u ever fallen from an airplane and u flown in the sky like a bird? I guess it just done by special person who has a special capability.But I've done it.Nowdays I have approximately 90's times of jumping. Can u imagine if u can fly in the sky and see the green forest, mountain, sea and everything from above? And can u feel the nervous when the airplane take off and climb untill 10.000 feet above ground level and then we have to fall out from the ramp door? But when u open ur eyes and take a breath for a while, u'll realize u're flying and these nerves will be gone untill u landing in ur dropzone.
yes 100% i agree with u, flying in d sky is d most amazing moment in ur live. ur right not common people are able 2 do that only uncommon person can do that such u r. we may have the same adventure fly in d sky by plane or chopper right ?
but the difference are :
1. Nobody asked me to jump but u are
2. I land with smooth not u are
3. I can sleep till d ground not u are
4. I couldnt fly but u could
5. I couldnt cacth d bird but u could
6. and many more
im so impressed about u r cappability and ur tough, eventhough woman but u have something 2 proud and reach. none deni it.
im support 4 everything u wanna do, but keep it in u r mind !!!!
this is my word and i hope u`ll get what u imagine n dream all d time, n may god bless u n lead u. amien.
when man r trying 2 look for someone in his life, he always find the feminim one.
but at d time he open his eyes he`ll see someone different, nice, tough, strong, smart, and many more eventhough itis very hard 2 make her " UNDERSTAND " sorry just kidding.
this woman will give u everything cause she can fly like a beautiful bird.
you know what is THE MOST SPECIAL EXPERIENCES that i have been through?
it is MARRIAGE..coz u can fly without a parachute..and you can landing your own body gently, huahahahhahahaa....
try that !!!! :)
.....brave girl.....flygirl.....slim but not thin.....good but little bad...u could have a wiseman to lead `n guide you to face d` real life....not just 4 2day...2mrow...nx month...but all the rest of ur life...wish u could make it happen...if not.......................................................kontak jodoh di koran masih xsist kok,hahahahaha...
just let it flows bibeh...with ur best try,ok
c `ya,chayo!
wow...the brave girl in "D" Class, maybe someday you can invite me to join with you in the sky...but i am the passengger...he..3x
thats great experiences anik you are powerfull girl it seems like cat woman i really admire to your special dedication, I should learn on it , I,m possitive that you will get a good career in the future! I will always support you to improve whatever your ability
thanks for soonest reply, actually I don't know why many pictures on my blog, may be I had foult steps to upload it as u know this is first time, I'll try to edit and retext again! thanks
Whaoo... How can? that's amazing experiences. you are super girl, maybe someday I can join with you but ....... I won't jump with you but I'm still standby to wacth you ...he..97x
good but not 2 good..
don't be stuborn..
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